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Get verified offers from your favorite brands

SafeOpt® is a free service that sends you Verified Offers while you shop from thousands of participating brands to help save you time & money. We’ve designed SafeOpt® to protect your data and give you control over your information.

Please verify your email address.

We need to verify your email so you can receive our verified offers. Please check your Inbox for an email from SafeOpt and click the secure link to verify your email address.

Please verify your email address
We need to verify your email so you can receive our verified offers. Please check your Inbox for an email from SafeOpt and click the secure link to verify your email address.
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Join for unlimited savings

We work hard to deliver better than publicly available Verified Offers direct to you while you shop thousands of your favorite brands.

Join Free

There are two ways to join the SafeOpt® network, you can submit your email above or join SafeOpt® from our network of 1,000+ co-registration partners.

Save time and money

Just sign up once and receive verified offers directly from brands – works for all web browsers and devices!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does SafeOpt work?
When you enter your email and join SafeOpt®, our technology makes note of the device you’re using and generates a secure anonymous ID. When one of our brand partners that also has our technology installed on their website sees your device, they know to show your ID promotions and offers not generally available to the broader public. No more (expired!) promo code hunting and things to install -- just a seamless shopping experience with delightful surprises for you!
What is SafeOpt?
SafeOpt® is a free service that sends you verified offers while you shop from thousands of participating brands to help save you time & money. Browse everything from clothes, home goods, electronics, foods, and more. SafeOpt works with all kinds of online stores and is designed to protect your data and give you control over your information.
What types of promotions can I expect?
Anything is possible! We’ve seen exclusive discounts to free shipping to gifts to early-release products for our users. We encourage brands to treat our sought-after shoppers not only differently, but better.
Do you share my personal information with third parties for monetary consideration?
NO! Our system allows for participating brands to contact you by email after you have engaged on their website without revealing your email to them unless you separately provide your email address to the brand directly through their channels (e.g., on their website when you shop or sign up to receive emails from them).
Do I receive something every time I visit one of your brands?
Not necessarily. You should think of this as a pleasant surprise. We encourage brands to engage early and often but ultimately it’s up to them.
Do I need to install anything?
Nope! There are no browser plugins or apps to install. Simply enter your email, click a button, and shop online as you normally would. It’s as easy as it gets.
How do I manage my data and opt-in preferences?
Enter your email into the Privacy Preferences Center and you will receive an email with a link to manage your settings per brand. You will only see opt-in status for brands that you’ve interacted with as well as your opt-in status for the entire network.
How did you get my email?
Don't remember signing up through our website directly? Then you must have joined SafeOpt through one of our many publisher or brand partners' sites. We have a partner network with 2,000+ large brands and publishers. When people sign up for emails on a site in our partner network, they can join our network at the same time. Typically, this is presented as a check box on whatever form the user is filling out, but it varies from site to site.
Does SafeOpt share my email address with its network of brands?
No. SafeOpt upholds the highest standards of data privacy and does not share your email address with our network of brands. When you receive emails from SafeOpt, they are sent directly by us, featuring money saving offers from leading brands based on your shopping interests. We ensure that your email address remains confidential within our system and is not disclosed to any third parties. Your trust and privacy are our top priorities.